UC Quits

Headed by Dr. Elisa Tong from UC Davis, this ambitious project involves all five of the University of California health systems to ensure that every smoker receives support at every encounter by using electronic medical records (EMRs). The EMR modification provides a two-way eReferral to the California Smokers Helpline, so providers can seamlessly refer patients and receive information back on the status of their patients' quit attempt.

SCLC plays a role in the facilitation of the UC site champions, the education of UC providers, and the development of communication and workflow tools. The UC Quits project is expected to demonstrate a significant return on investment and national leadership on health systems change for tobacco cessation. Visit the UC Quits website at www.ucquits.com.

Below you will find provider training videos that target the importance of addressing tobacco, 5’As of tobacco cessation, medication management, the UC California Smokers Helpline, and reducing secondhand smoke exposure in children.

Top Ten Reasons to Address Tobacco

Video URL

The 5 A's of of Tobacco Cessation

Video URL

Medication for Smoking Cessation

Video URL

Kick It California


Reducing Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Children

Video URL

How Nurses at UC Can Address Tobacco Dependence

Video URL