Erin McClain is a Research Associate with the UNC Center for Maternal and Infant Health, where she directs the You Quit, Two Quit perinatal tobacco cessation program, providing training and technical assistance for health care providers across NC and the US. She has worked on perinatal tobacco cessation for the last decade, having previously worked with the Smoke Free Families National Dissemination Office and the National Partnership to Help Pregnant Smokers Quit. Ms. McClain also works on preconception and interconception health for women of reproductive age, helping to coordinate the activities of the Every Woman Southeast Coalition. Ms. McClain holds a Master of Public Health in Maternal and Child Health from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2004), and a Master of Arts in International Affairs from American University in Washington, DC (2000).
Describe tobacco use among US reproductive age women, including pregnant women, and its relationship with maternal and infant outcomes
Demonstrate understanding of tobacco use screening and counseling of reproductive age women, particularly pregnant and postpartum mothers, and the integration into routine care
Discuss FDA-approved pharmacotherapy for adults, and their use by pregnant and lactating women
Identify key national and state-level resources available for additional patient and provider support
- You Quit, Two Quit
- The Benefits of Quitting poster, order online from the CDC
- Help for Smokers and Other Tobacco Users booklet
- North American Quitline Consortium
- Smokefree Women: Pregnancy & Motherhood
- Be Tobacco Free
- ACOG Smoking Cessation Tools and Resources
- Second-Wind, First Breath: A Smoking Cessation Support Group Curriculum for Pregnant and Post-Partum American Indian Women [PDF]